Enhancement Model Information

Enhancement Information

What is Enhancement?

Updated: May 6, 2024

When a program chooses the Enhancement option, they are requesting technical assistance to build its program quality after being formally assessed for a STAR 2 or higher. From the data collected during the formal assessment, an action plan will be specifically created for each program based on need. After completion of the Enhancement model, programs will continue the practices established through technical assistance and document their implementation for a minimum of (3) months. At that time, the program may apply for an assessment for a higher STAR rating.

Enhancement Process

Updated May 6, 2024

Enhancement Model (Section 16.00 of Updated Guidelines as of May 6, 2024):

16.01 Programs will only be eligible to apply for the Enhancement model once they have been licensed for at least one year and have completed an initial formal Assessment.

16.02 Programs with the greatest identified need will be prioritized for inclusion in the Enhancement model.

16.03 Programs that choose to apply and are selected for inclusion in the Enhancement model will receive up to six (6) months of enhancement to increase their overall STAR rating.

16.04 Programs will receive technical assistance to meet their needs based on the components of the BPR. Priorities will be created based on environmental improvements and supporting quality activities.

16.05 Programs will receive technical assistance and support to improve program-level quality initiatives based on the BPR and/or teaching practices represented in the CLASS tool to increase their overall CLASS Aggregate score.

16.06 Programs that have successfully completed the Enhancement model are eligible to re-apply for a technical assistance model after one (1) year, unless otherwise notified.

  • Programs that have completed a technical assistance model must apply for Assessment for a STAR rating before they will be considered for participation in another technical assistance model.

16.07 After successful completion of the Enhancement model, programs will continue the practices established through technical assistance and document their implementation for a minimum of three (3) months. At that time, the program may apply for a formal assessment for a STAR rating.