Alabama counties with at least one STAR Rated Provider


STAR 1 Rated Providers in Alabama

300 +

STAR 2-STAR 5 Rated Providers in Alabama

Shining Brighter Through Alabama Quality STARS!

Last Updated: 02/27/2025

About Alabama Quality STARS

Frequently Asked Questions

STAR 1 Rating Information

Information related to being STAR 1 Rated can be found by clicking the button below.

Click on the icon above the description to access pages with more information about the topic selected.

If a provider's STAR Rating 2-5 is set to expire this year, he or she will need to apply and be approved for a new STAR rating assessment before the expiration date. Assessment Applications should be submitted in AlaCEED within 3 months of STAR rating expiration date.

*Providers should also check for updates to the STAR Rating BPR and Guidelines since assessments are based on the most up-to-date information.

Meet Our Team!

Provider Testimonials

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email our information email by filling out and submitting the form below or calling our helpline and leaving a detailed message.

Phone: 334-604-6260

Email: info@alabamaqualitystars.org

Address: P.O. Box 302755, Montgomery, AL 36130

Alabama Quality STARS is an interagency partnership between the Alabama Department of Human Resources and the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education

Link to DHR's Childcare Locator
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