Step 1: Connecting to AlaCEED

  • When first logging into AlaCEED, you will have to request to be connected to your site. Please allow at least 24-48 hours for this process. You will receive an email confirming you have been connected to your site from* Please watch the video and click on the link for step-by-step instructions below.
  • *Make sure to always check your SPAM/Junk/Trash for emails if you do not receive an email within the time frame. If you are part of an organization and do not receive the emails in a timely manner or at all-you may need to check with your company’s IT department to allow that email address to come through.
  • Contact for any issues connecting to your site.
  • Please watch the video and click on the link for step-by-step instructions below.

Video Tutorial- How to Get Connected to AlaCEED (Updated as of 03/07/24)

Printable Step-By-Step Instructions for Getting Connected in AlaCEED (Updated 08/09/24)