Step 5: STAR Rating
- Once a provider has completed a technical assistance model (Guided Support or Enhancement), the program must wait to apply for Assessment for a minimum of three (3) months.
- The director listed on the assessment application should receive an email with an attached memo from or on behalf of the Alabam Quality STARs Administrator no more than 30 days after the assessment has been marked complete by the assigned Alabama Quality STARs Specialist.
- Programs may apply for another assessment for a higher STAR rating 12 months (1 year) after the awarding of their previous STAR rating.
- Programs that completed a technical assistance model (Guided Support or Enhancement) may apply for another technical assistance model (Guided Support or Enhancement) 12 months after the completion date of their previous technical assistance. They must apply for an assessment for a higher STAR rating before they will be allowed to participate in another technical assistance model.
- A Program’s STAR rating is good for 3 years if it remains in good standing with DHR and successfully maintains its STAR rating at its Alabama Quality STARs annual review.
- Programs must apply to renew their STAR rating as early as 3 months before the 36-month expiration date of their most recent STAR rating.