What is Guided Support?
Technical Support is offered to providers for up to two (2) months. The approved childcare program will be assigned a specialist to answer specific questions, review documentation, and make individualized recommendations based on the Best Practice Rubric in order to prepare for its formal assessment for a STAR rating 2 or higher.
Guided Support Process
Updated: May 6, 2024
Guided Support Model (Section 15.00 of the Updated Guidelines as of May 6, 2024):
Updated May 6, 2024:
15.01 Programs will only be eligible to apply for the Guided Support model once they have been licensed for at least one year.
15.02 Programs that choose to enroll in the Guided Support model will receive up to two (2) months of guided support to prepare for the Assessment process.
15.03 Programs will be assigned an Alabama Quality STARS Specialist to answer specific questions, review documentation, and make individualized recommendations based on the BPR.
15.04 Alabama Quality STARS Specialists will work with a program’s Director/Administrator to determine the level of needed support and create an action plan to prepare for Assessment.
15.05 Alabama Quality STARS Specialists will provide a combination of remote and in-person support with a maximum of two (2) monthly on-site visits.
15.06 Programs that have successfully completed the Guided Support model are eligible to re-apply for a technical assistance model after one (1) year, unless otherwise notified.
- Programs that have completed a technical assistance model must apply for Assessment for a STAR rating before they will be considered for participation in another technical assistance model.
15.07 After successful completion of the Guided Support model, programs will continue the practices established through technical assistance and document their implementation for a minimum of three (3) months. At that time, the program may apply for a formal assessment for a STAR rating